Boy Scout units in the Pelathe District can use the property without making a reservation however we ask that they notify us by sending an email to Mike Riling of when they are going to be on the property and which areas they intend to use. Please use the campsite map to reserve a campsite. Such as Camp Clement.   Campsite map  Local Units can request reservations up to a year in advance of the date they intend to use the property. Units outside our district must request permission to use the property. Outside units can make reservations up to 6 months in advance of the date they intend to use the property. You can possibly make reservations they day before an event if the property is available and we have someone to unlock the facility. We do not supply toilet paper to the pit toilets so it is important that each unit bring its own. Keys to the gate, bathrooms and water faucet are required. The shelters should be reserved by any unit that plans to use them. (Use Shelter or Kriz Shelter) Boy Scout units outside our District, Girl Scout units or other youth organizations can make reservations by downloading the reservation form,  Download Reservation Form filling it out and emailing it to Mike Riling

You can check on availability by going to our calendar.   
Bromelsick Calendar

Camp Peterson                                                      

With 160 acres available, many units can use the property at the same time. Our local units have adopted campsites and made improvements to them. Camp Peterson has a number of fire rings with wooden benches around them. Great for sitting around the fire. Camp Wood has been improved with a lot of fire circles and very nice benches. Please take care of these areas. Although not required we request local Boy Scout units in the Pelathe District reserve areas before going out to the property. The shelter is very popular and usually is reserved on weekends. We mow the areas around Wertz Lake, the shelter and the Anderson Trail regularly. We will try to mow other areas when requested to do so. The more notice you give us the better chance we will be able to honor your request.
    Camp Bromelsick has a limited budget. We do not charge scouting organizations for the use of the property. We do request that scouting units outside the Pelathe District consider making a donation to help offset our costs or consider doing a service project. It costs the Camp Bromelsick about $2.00 per person per visit by the time insurance, maintenance of the bathroom, shelter and other items are calculated. Please consider making a contribution or providing a few hours of work on the property to help offset the costs.

Donation Form

The Main shelter is located by Camp Daniels it is serviced by the lower (second) gate with a view of Wertz Lake.

The Kriz Shelter is accessed by the top gate (first) and is located next to Camp Peterson.

Bromelsick Scout Farm